[1.5.2] Animated Player - Мимика лица UP
Чудесный мод: Animated Player, добавит новые движения, и мимику лица! Это немного улучшенный Mo' Bends!
Мод простой, теперь у Стива появится мускулы лица. Он будет улыбаться, злится... А так же у него появится страх!
Ну в принципе это всё. Так что этот достоин вашего внимания.
Скриншоты (От меня):
Скриншоты (Не от меня):
~fixed bug where wearing blocks (pumpkins, etc) on player's head positions funnily
~fixed bug where helmet doesn't render
~made hats in player model render each pixel separately
~made swimming animation a bit more realistic by rotating entire body when swimming up and down (thanks to LOLCaatz)
~remade sneaking animations to look more like actual sneaking
~updated to mc1.5.2
~improved joints in the player model
~added climbing animation
~added sleeping animation
~added eating animation
~added drinking animation
~made eyebrows only look angry when attacking, sneaking, aiming, etc
~made player only open mouth for a period of time when exhausted
~attempted to fix issue where model doesn't load again
~fixed bottom of top arm loading the wrong texture
~improved performance overall by separating animations more distinctly (only in code, the result looks the exact same)
~made blocking animation smoother when just stopped blocking
~fixed bug where eyebrow still appeared even when set blank in texture
~attempted to fix capes rendering backwards
~fixed player animations not working for server players
~attempted to fix model not working at all for some people
~slightly change the texture format for the face animations
~made face animations not render if the texture isn't filled in (also don't use all pure black)
~fixed shooting the player with arrows screwing up animations
~fixed left leg texture not flipping properly
~fixed head screwing up when riding a pig
~fixed capes not working
~UPDATE: face animation configurations in the config file now only apply to default textures
~initial release
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